
Diamond Dragon Automatic Disclosure Case Study Questions

Diamond Dragon Automatic Disclosure Case Study Questions


In this assignment, you will review a case and analyze it from both the plaintiff’s and the defendant’s perspective.

Download the attached document, Case History, involving Peter, Penelope, and Parker Plaintiff and read it.

Answer the following questions aboutthe Peter, Penelope, and Parker case. Make sure your name is on thedocument. Submit the assignment as an attachment.

    1. List the information you would gather and produce on behalf of your client, Diamond Dragon, for the automatic disclosure.
    2. List the information you would expect the plaintiffs to gather and produce to you for the automatic disclosure.
  1. List examples of the requests for production, or things you would seek through a request for production, from the plaintiffs.
  2. List examples of the interrogatories, or the information you would seek through an interrogatory, from the plaintiffs.
  3. List examples of the deposition questions you would ask the plaintiffs.
  4. Describe whether an independent medical examwould be proper in this case and why, or why not.